* This is a representative story of the power of Analytic Morphomics.

* This is a representative story of the power of Analytic Morphomics.

Don – a 52-year-old veteran and small business owner –  had been feeling run down with little to no appetite.  It was a busy time at work, and his wife had recently lost her job. He naturally attributed his symptoms to stress and overwork.  Finally, after much persuasion his wife convinced him to visit his doctor.  After a complete checkup and some blood tests, Don's doctor told him that she suspected liver disease and sent him for a CT scan. The results of the scan showed a fatty liver. His doctor explained that this could be or could develop into NAFLD, NASH, or even cirrhosis.  They decided together to modify his diet and regularly test his blood to monitor the disease progression.  

The “could be” was a heavy financial and emotional weight on Don and his wife — his health could continue to get worse and he may up needing a liver transplant. 

Providing granular insights from a routine CT scan, Analytic Morphomics can reveal the presence of cirrhosis or NAFLD without the need for an invasive and dangerous biopsy <Read our published work here>. Predicting disease progression and informing earlier diagnosis helps to reduce the burden of stress on the patient and presents predictive factors for doctors to consider when identifying best course of treatment and discussing risks and possible complications with the patient.